Tuesday, October 25, 2011

...and I have many names

I got to thinking the other day, as I watched the editing of our station DVD, how everyone has a nickname down here. They have been as significant as a shortening of a persons first name to far more outlandish concepts. Having the curse of being know by my middle name for all of my life (thanks folks... you twonks) meant I was fair game. Having one of the largest appetites but lowest weights, made me fair game. Being Met made me fair game. I think at one time or another I have been called as many names as there are people on station, almost.

B2, Second Brian to be an expeditioner for 2011 Winter. The other went to Casey.
Kenny, mis pronounced McKechnie as McKenny.
Hobo, my love of beanies.
Wino, kinda says it all. Sort of goes with above.
Pip/Pippy, Philip... once people found I had a first name.
Princess, Because I can be a La la.
Third weather girl, because I am the third weather girl.
Homo, because I am the third weather girl and a bit of a La la.
Weirdo, because rumour has it I am a bit odd.
RBB, AKA Rice bubble buddy.... partaking of rice bubbles of an evening with an equally weird fellow.
McFadden/McFadds, Apparently an equally bad musician.
Mc-ECH-ni, High enphasis on "ech" to sound like an Adélie penguin going "Hark?"
[Adélies tend to have two main calls: Hark (angry) Hark? (inquisitive) There is a third call where they are angry and confused but it's hard to pick]

In the end I am mainly known as B2, Weirdo, Bri-han, McFadds or McKechnie. That or Brian.

I am also known for flipping the bird... and for a fictitious tapeworm that people swear is keeping me thin.

There are no photos this time :P

Bai now

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pictures... finally

Just a pic or two from the last part of my stint. No stories to go with them, I am sure you can work out what they are.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Hi all,

Soon I'll be home, soon I'll be getting off a ship. I have not authorised nor am I about to, any people to meet me at the wharf. This is a high security zone and they wont let you in. NO VISITORS!!! I'll catch you up in my own time, don't pre-empt a visit for me... I have been away for a year and I don't want or need any fucking surprises!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Delayed post

Heading out for a jolly, maybe have some pics for you once I am back. I had a short trip out Sunday and took a couple of shots but right now my room is in a state of chaos as I pack my gear for RTA (return to Australia) and the thought of playing with my camera daunts me. I could have done an update or I could have stopped procrastinating and got the job done, I floated somewhere in the middle.

Type soon,
Weirdo AKA Brian

Monday, October 3, 2011

In the meanwhile

A photo courtesy of Boj not tomato related... actually it is kind of... this is on the way back from hydro during winter. Melodramatic pose to reflect the harshness of Antarctic environment... nah... Just Boj playing around with light and me looking cranky ;)

Close to the end

Really starting to sink in that I am going home soon. Pulled our one big tomato for the season (compared to cherry toms that we have planted). 380grams! Compared to the usual 30grams from the normal varieties we had planted we're pretty stoked. Photos to come once I get them off Boj. Not really that enthusiastic about waffling for now, pic posted soon. Be pulling the garden out for the season soon too.
