Monday, November 29, 2010

What a day! I actually feel like I am getting on top of this.

Well, it all looks like it is coming together. In short, because it's what I do, here's the goss:

Hydro team rocks! Got heaps done, helped above and beyond. Room is almost cleaned up. Green Cos is "planted", herbs are going well.

Saw an elephant seal, was meant to get to bed, but then I heard the exciting news and took some pics. 3:30am-11:59pm is too long for me. Slept in.

And other good stuff...
Comm tech Doug's photo of me cleaning out Hydro stuff

My photo of Mark, current Deputy Station leader, trying to tell the elephant seal where to go.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Three Met techs after a long day/Waiting for a heli

Cheers to David Russel for the photo. Dave is one of our Aircraft ground support officers who was present at the time of the Whoop Whoop install, 18th Nov. Snuck up and caught us after a FULL day of work, but nobody would ever believe that Met would actually do some work!!!

From left to right. Brian "B2, Kenny, Hobo, and many other names" McKechnie, Mark Grainger and Nick "Hellboy" Helmore

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time management.

Do I have it? Probably not. Do I need it.... Oh yeah. I got the opportunity to go back to WhoopWhoop and so took my camera this time. Too many piccies to show so I just got one to prove that the camera that took this photo was airborne. Going out twice plus delays on the voyage made my handover VERY short. Need to balance the next week or so between a good shift but learning on the job and a big workload in hydroponics. Once I get the initial juggling sorted and the plants established (with the help of my more than capable team) I will be feeling better off. Balloon launches are freakin' awesome!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Made it

Well, after a long and eventful voyage I have finally made it to Davis. I am in the middle of handover, settling in and have just finished helping install a new weather station at Whoop whoop. I haven't gone through all my photos yet but here is one to keep you entertained :) It is from the southern ocean trip. I actually forgot to take my camera when I went to Whoop whoop (that's Davis' Airstrip up on the plateau).  I am kicking myself. First Helicopter ride and I didn't have my camera... DUH!